Moms really like massage! Whether it's getting a break from the busyness of motherhood or getting relief from physical aches, moms love massage!
In honor of Mother's Day, we have a special offer: buy a gift certificate for at least one hour of massage and receive a free $15 certificate for yourself, redeemable at your next massage appointment. Free $15 certificate will be emailed to the purchaser automatically. If you live out of town or will not be able to use it, if you like you can give it to anyone you choose. Please note, this certificate has no cash value, may not be combined with other discounts or offers, and may not be used with a gift certificate. However, if you give it to the recipient of the purchased gift certificate, they may use it when they come for their next massage appointment.
This offer will be good until May 15 so take advantage of it now! Return to our home page and click on "Buy a gift certificate online now." Or you can skip one step and go to our Contacts and Rates page and click on the blue and green "Buy Now Gift Certificate" icon. It's quick, easy, and takes only a few minutes.
Happy Mother's Day!