
Massage For Couples Classes

Have you ever wanted to do massage at home with your partner but didn't know where to start? Do you try doing massage but tire quickly? Are you wondering how to please your partner, who keeps asking for "harder," without hurting yourself? If so, you may want to take the Massage for Couples class at Forest Park Community College offered twice a semester. An alternative is arranging for private instruction with your partner.

The class is ideal for couples, athletes, dancers, performing artists, or anyone who would like to learn simple, basic massage techniques.

True Runner Wins With Massage!

 The new True Runner store in Brentwood Plaza recently hosted an after-hours Ladies' Night and Massage St. Louis was there! It was a great event, with about 80 women of all ages in attendance. The atmosphere was friendly and festive, with tasty and healthy drinks and snacks available, attendance prizes, goodie bags for participants, and discounts on purchases made at the event. A representative from Moving Comfort gave a presentation on proper bra fitting and was available for private fittings. Massage St. Louis was there providing brief table massages and speaking with participants about self-help techniques and how massage can help them as runners. Participants loved the table massages and were often heard to exclaim, "Wow! That was great! I feel so much better!"

A drawing for a 30 minute massage was held at the end of the evening and Alex Roth was the lucky winner. Congratulations, Alex!

Of course, all the wonderful women in attendance were obviously winners! It was a great, friendly, enthusiastic group. Gotta love those runners! 

Notes for a Presentation at the Skeptical Society of St. Louis Skepticamp: 8/18/12

This page was written as a reference for those who attended the Skeptical Society of St. Louis Skepticamp, Saturday, August 18, 2012. It includes websites mentioned during a presentation on the field of massage therapy from the point of view of a science-based massage therapist. The title of the presentation was "Woo, Sloppy Thinking, and Language."

“That Was Awesome!”

“That was awesome!” This was the comment most frequently heard during the two hours I was doing minimassages on a constant stream of girls ranging in age from 5 years to around 12 years old. A couple of adults and teens snuck unto the line, too.

The event was called Girls In The Know and, in its first year, had 500 little girls and their moms sign up in advance. Several St. Louis massage therapists, including myself, were asked to volunteer at the event.

I’ve worked many events over the years: the Working Women’s Survival Show, Earth Day, the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon, and numerous health fairs, to name a few. When I walked into this event, though, and saw a sea of little girls, I thought, “Oh my goodness, this is going to be different!” To be honest, I was a little intimidated at first. I’m accustomed to working with adults at these events; what was it going to be like having scores of very young girls line up at my table? Well, I’m always up for an adventure.

Free Chair Massage at Kaldi's Kirkwood

If you were hoping to get a free chair massage - sorry, the event is over! However, Anne Thomassaon, Maureen Hoock, and I spent three hours giving free massages to the patrons of Kaldi's Coffee Company in Kirkwood. The occasion was Massage Therapy Awareness Week, sponsored by the American Massage Therapy Association. The purpose was to increase awareness of what massage therapy can do for you.